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Andy’s Answers: How Wal-Mart is engaging massive audiences online

2 min read

Brands & Campaigns

My company, GasPedal, recently hosted BlogWell: How Big Brands Use Social Media in Minneapolis. The fantastic event featured eight case studies on corporate social media from some of the world’s biggest companies. As we gear up for our next BlogWell in Atlanta on Nov. 10 — featuring case studies from Coca-Cola, UPS, SunGard, Orange Business Services, ConAgra Foods, Turner Broadcasting System, Newell Rubbermaid and The Home Depot — I’m sharing some of my favorite lessons from Minneapolis.

Wal-Mart’s Suraya Bliss, senior director of corporate Web properties and digital technologies, along with Dave Tovar, senior director of digital communications and PR, shared some brilliant ideas based on what they’re doing with social media. Here are just a few of them:

  • Get creative when explaining social media to leadership. Suraya and her team created a narrative of what challenges they faced and what opportunities social media represented.
  • Allowing reviews and comments can dramatically increase engagement. Since 2007, they’ve gotten more than a million reviews and comments and more than 10,000 people that have submitted more than 20 reviews.
  • Social media isn’t just for customers and employees. Wal-Mart has begun engaging journalists, investors and stakeholders by using social media to share live updates of their shareholder’s meetings.

Watch the video:

[vimeo 6534466]