All Articles Marketing Digital Technology Build a Facebook fan base by adding value

Build a Facebook fan base by adding value

2 min read

Digital Technology

During Friday’s Facebook Success Summit session, “How to build and manage a loyal Facebook fan base,” Amy Porterfield and Cindy King focused on one key tenet of Facebook marketing: adding value. King and Porterfield, two of Social Media Examiner’s three page moderators, have helped the company gain more than 18,000 fans in just over six months.

Building and managing a Facebook fan base from nothing means you need to offer your customers consistent value that they are not already getting through other means. While promotional offers can be a good source of material once you have an established fan page, King and Porterfield suggest posting only true content for the first 30 days.

Once you have your page up and running, King and Porterfield say, they have a few key suggestions to drive engagement:

  • Keep your updates short and to the point. Focus on creating headlines that grab readers’ attention.
  • Comment and “like” your own posts. Leverage the promotional power of your own network (as an administrator) to help get the ball rolling. Thus, having multiple administrators and moderators can be to your page’s benefit.
  • End your posts with a call to action. Encourage fans to “like,” comment or share the content.
  • Encourage sharing. Ask your audience questions, start conversation and reach out directly to them. This is about building a social community, not a marketing channel.
  • Post third-party articles. Share relevant content without simply promoting your own material.
  • Keep the content fresh. Offer different kinds of content — using different sources and alternating administrator voices and multimedia features.

What are you doing to add value and get people talking on your Facebook fan page?

To learn more key tips and actionable steps for Facebook marketing from social-media leaders Brian Solis, Jay Baer, Mari Smith, and major brands such as Cisco, Xbox, SAP, and the Washington Redskins, sign up for the monthlong online Facebook Success Summit today! (SmartBrief is a partner in this event.)