SmartPulse — our weekly reader poll in Restaurant SmartBrief — tracks feedback from restaurant owners and managers about current trends and issues.
Last week’s poll question: What trend do you think will take hold in 2011?
Reliance on social media/technology — 58.14%
Retro cocktails — 24.03%
Celebrity farmers — 17.83%
Earlier this year, SmartBrief and Summus Limited asked the readers of various SmartBrief newsletters to complete a survey about their businesses’ use of social media. We heard back from about 6,500 readers and compiled their answers into a report: “The State of Social Media for Business.”
We heard from readers in a variety of industries and across a range of company sizes — and the comparisons among those groups are really interesting. But my favorite section looked at the differences in social media use between companies that have been using social media for a few months and the companies that have been at this for several years.
Read more at SmartBlog on Social Media. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the social networking trends and improve your own measurement and monetization, you’ve got to check out SmartBrief on Social Media.