All Articles Leadership How employees' ability to negotiate is invaluable to your company

How employees’ ability to negotiate is invaluable to your company

2 min read


SmartBrief is partnering with Big Think to create a weekly video spotlight in SmartBrief on Leadership called “VIP Corner: Video Insights Powered by Big Think.” This week, we’re featuring Dan Shapiro, the director of Harvard’s International Negotiation Program.

In today’s business world, products can be easily replicated by other companies, which makes employees’ ability to deal well with people both inside and outside of their organization just as important as their product, if not more, according to Harvard’s International Negotiation Program’s director, Dan Shapiro. He says that every company should consider both refining their employees’ negotiation skills and having their teams discuss strategies before going into negotiations.

He notes that training employees in negotiation and conflict resolution would benefit every company. “It is one of the greatest costs to an organization, the inability for people to deal well with their differences and, just as true, it’s one of the easiest things to actually bring and train in the organization,” he says.

Companies should also make sure their employees discuss beforehand what information they want to communicate during negotiations, what information they might communicate and what information they want to keep to themselves, Shapiro says. Taking that time to prepare and strategize can be a valuable and beneficial step for any company. “That simple piece of preparation can save you a lot of grief and can help you and your full team feel comfortable as you’re negotiating with the other side,” he says.

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