One morning, an entire neighborhood in New York woke up with brand new Keurig brewers on their doorsteps. It wasn’t because they won a contest or because they asked for them — it was all a part of Keurig’s surprise and delight mission they carried out in L.A. and Miami.
According to Crystal King, Keurig’s social media manager, giving away brewers is just one way they earn loyal fans and word of mouth (like the 1,000 social media posts and 3 million impressions they earned from this campaign). In her presentation at’s BlogWell conference in Boston, Crystal explains why they do stuff like this.
Here are three key points from her presentation:
- When upset customers vent on social media, they’re already pretty mad: That’s usually because they didn’t get the answers they needed elsewhere from calling or e-mailing. Crystal says that’s why it’s more important than ever to make these customers happy as quickly as possible.
- Give back the love you get: Lots of Keurig’s sales come from the folks who recommend them to friends and family. Crystal says they encourage this word of mouth by showing off the love they receive from their social media fans and making them feel special.
- Know what to say if something goes wrong (before it goes wrong): With every new product launch or new campaign, Keurig’s social team prepares by communicating. They sit down with the PR teams, product teams and customer service to talk about different worst-case scenarios and how to handle them, Crystal explains.
Watch her full presentation below. The slides are available for download.
If you like this presentation, see more great social media case studies like it live at BlogWell Dallas, Feb. 19.