All Articles Marketing Brands & Campaigns Andy's Answers: How Hilton Worldwide wows guests with its social customer service

Andy’s Answers: How Hilton Worldwide wows guests with its social customer service

2 min read

Brands & Campaigns

Those comfortable beds, big TVs and fancy pools? They’re not just in nice hotels anymore. According to Hilton Worldwide Director of Social Media Planning Vanessa Sain-Dieguez, with people’s homes becoming more like destinations, it’s not enough to compete with luxury features — hotels have to deliver amazing service.

One way Hilton Worldwide is doing it is through social media customer service that’s so proactive that one customer called it scary. In her presentation at’s BlogWell conference in Boston at Fidelity, Vanessa shares how their social media programs, such as Hilton Suggests, are making guests and other travelers feel warm and fuzzy.

Here are some key points from her presentation:

  • Feedback is feedback — even if it’s in social media: They proactively look for and respond to customer complaints on social sites the same way they would in the non-digital world. According to Vanessa, that’s unlike 70% of other companies who completely ignore complaints on Twitter.
  • You don’t have to be a marketer to be an advocate: Their Hilton Suggests program uses anyone, from the HR department to the front desk, to get behind the Twitter campaign. Vanessa says that with a little social media training, these folks have everything they need to make great recommendations.
  • Trust your employees: Vanessa admits that when it comes to their fantastic social media response team, she can teach them how to tweet, but they know customer service. She encourages them to treat social media complaints the same way they would in a call center.

Watch Vanessa’s full presentation below.

If you like this presentation, see more great social media case studies like it live at BlogWell Dallas, Feb. 19.